President’s Message BY BRIAN MUNK


Hello everyone, it sure seems like this summer has flown by. This has certainly been a year for changes and adjustments, yet despite everything, it seems to have been a great year in the nursery and landscape industry. As we move into the holiday season, I certainly hope we can begin making positive changes and adjustments for all of our industry, small businesses and citizens across the state and country.

Your NNLA Board has not been immune to changes through this year either. As you all know, our fall field day was held virtually and was quite well attended and very well put together. With that being said, we will be holding our winter conference virtually as well. With all the issues surrounding COVID 19, this is the direction we chose to go in the interest of all of us.

I want to take this opportunity, to thank all our veterans and hope you each had a great Thanksgiving this year.

As this will be my last message as president of the NNLA, I also want to take this time to thank you for the opportunity to serve as your president. It has been a challenging and rewarding experience that I will often reflect upon as I move forward in my life and career. It has truly been an honor to work with so many great people! I wish everyone continued success in all aspects of your life’s adventures.


Plant Native: blackhaw viburnum


2020 NNLA Virtual field day a success!