Plant Native: blackhaw viburnum

BLACKHAW VIBURNUM, Viburnum prunifolium Height: 12-15 feet Spread: 6-12 feet Sun: full sun to part shade Water: dry to medium

BLACKHAW VIBURNUM, Viburnum prunifolium Height: 12-15 feet Spread: 6-12 feet Sun: full sun to part shade Water: dry to medium

This viburnum native to the Midwest has large, flat-topped white flower clusters in spring; dark berry-like fruits that can persist into winter; and the leaves turn a beautiful red or purple in fall. The berries can be eaten fresh or made into jams and attract birds and wildlife as well. It’s very adaptable to different soils, can take full sun or quite a bit of shade and can create a dense shrubby thicket or be pruned into a small tree. Viburnums are one of the best shrubs for hardiness and full-year interest, both for humans and the wild creatures that rely on our landscapes for food and shelter.

Native plant recommendations from the Nebraska Statewide Arboretum,


Plant Native: calico aster


President’s Message BY BRIAN MUNK