NNLA 2021 Awards

Several awards were presented during the 2021 NNLA Annual Meeting. Those presented awards include:

2021 Distinguished Nursery Professional Award

Heather Byers, NCNLP

Great Plains Nursery

Heather is a dedicated supporter of NNLA and our mission. She has been a Nebraska Certified Nursery & Landscape Professional since 2012.  Heather and her team hosted the NNLA Summer Field Day in 2018.

Heather and her husband Bryan began Great Plains Nursery in 2008. The team at Great Plains Nursery are leaders in the green industry.  They are dedicated to growing healthy, hardy, native trees from local seeds whenever possible. They have also added shrubs, fruit trees, and bare root trees to their nursery offerings over the past 13 years. By using a system proven to grow healthy roots, they are ensuring that every tree they sell or donate will be given the best possible chance to grow and thrive. Their nursery stock is sold to municipalities, retail nurseries, arborists, landscapers, and some retail to homeowners. They utilize the GreatPlants® Program in selecting the species they grow. This program gives recognition to species that are especially suited for the Great Plains Region. This is a joint program of the Nebraska Statewide Arboretum and Nebraska Nursery & Landscape Association. Heather’s trees have been used by the Free Trees for Fall Planting program which provides trees for community planting projects.  This program is supported by the Nebraska Statewide Arboretum’s Trees for Nebraska Towns Initiative funded by the Nebraska Environmental Trust.

2021 Distinguished Landscape Professional Award


Marti Neely Design & Associates

Marti has been in practice as a landscape designer over thirty years. She has been a strong supporter of NNLA and helping advance the green industry in Nebraska and nationally. Marti is always willing to lend a helping hand to new landscapers as they embark on their career. Marti develops designs that are not only functional and meet the unique needs of her clients but also support sustainable practices. She has written several articles published in ‘The Designer’ magazine and is the Northern Midwest Regional Reporter for the online edition of ‘Fine Gardening’ magazine. Marti is actively involved in the industry, leading to her chairing committees, and serving on the board of both the Association of Professional Landscape Designers and the Nebraska Nursery and Landscape Association.

2021 Distinguished Nebraska Certified Nursery and Landscape Professional Award

Cindy Christensen, NCNLP

ASMP Landscapes

Cindy has been a NCNLP for over twenty years and exemplifies the standards of this award. The award is given to an individual who exceeds the ideals and standards associated with the NCNLP program and actively assists with the advancement of the program. She currently serves on the NNLA NCNLP Committee and assists with testing and promoting the certification. Cindy was also elected to the NNLA Board of Directors this year. NNLA appreciated the time and talent Cindy brings to the organization. 

2021 Gold Leaf Nursery Award

Bailey Nurseries, Inc.

St Paul, MN

Bailey Nurseries has been a long-standing supporter of the NNLA for more than two decades.  The nursery promotes the principles of the NNLA and is one of the longest active associate members. Whether it’s through their constant research and breeding of cold hardy plant varieties for the upper Great Plains, their partnership with UNL Horticulture to trial their Easy Elegance line of roses, or the internship opportunities they provide for the next generation of horticulturalists they are constantly working to move they industry forward.


Annual Meeting Recap


New NDA Entomology Inspector