Annual Meeting Recap

The Nebraska Nursery and Landscape Association held their annual membership meeting on December 7, 2021 at Nebraska Innovation Campus.

Jason Kuehl, President, called the meeting to order at 11:32 a.m. and introduced the 2021 Board of Directors. He also recognized and thanked the past presidents for their service. Brian Munk was presented a plaque for his service as Board President from 2019 – to 2021.

President Kuehl provided a year in review for the association including activities, sponsorships, advertising, Field Day, and workshops.

Taylor Cammack, the 2022 scholarship awardee provided an update on how she used the scholarship monies and her career goals.

The 2021 awards were then presented.

ulie Van Meter provided an update from the Nebraska Department of Agriculture.

Lee Olson provided an updated from the Nebraska Certified Nursery and Landscape Professionals (NCNLP) committee. Lee congratulated and presented plaques to the NCNLPs who passed the test in 2021.

Board of Director elections were held electronically prior to the annual meeting. Two director terms expired this year. Ashly Neneman and Cindy Christensen were nominated for these positions. A ballot was emailed to all Active and Associate members three times during the election period of November 18 through December 3 asking them to submit their vote. Twenty ballots were received back. Twenty votes were cast in favor of Ashly Neneman and Cindy Christensen for the NNLA Board of Directors. Kuehl welcomed the new Board members and thanked Sarah Shanahan for serving on the Board.

With no further business, President Kuehl adjourn the meeting at 12:18 p.m.


Emerald Ash Borer found in Columbus, Nebraska


NNLA 2021 Awards