Other Events
The Nebraska Nursery & Landscape Association lists the following educational events as a courtesy to our members looking to continue their education.
No investigation of these events has been made by NNLA. The posting of this information should not be deemed to constitute a recommendation or endorsement by NNLA unless otherwise specified.
NCNLP Continuing Education: NCNLP CE hours are calculated as 60 minutes of participation equals 1 hour of continuing education. Credit is not awarded for breaks, meal times, receptions, etc. that do not include an educational component.
Bloom Box by Nebraska Statewide Arboretum
Growing Deeper Podcast
Visit https://plantnebraska.org/your-yard/bloom-box/growing-deeper-podcast.html and click “Listen Now” to get to the latest episode as well as all the archived episodes
Listen to Bob Hendrickson, Horticulture Program Coordinator for Nebraska Statewide Arboretum, every Wednesday from 11:00 a.m. - Noon on KZUM (89.3 FM) Lincoln or online at kzum.org
Plant Talks by Nebraska Statewide Arboretum
More information and registration details are available at plantnebraska.org/plant-talks.
The Plant Talks are free and open to the public. Registration is required for each talk (each session will also be recorded, and the recordings will be emailed to registrants following the real time Zoom event).
Xerces Society YouTube Channel - videos of presentations regarding the preserving and protecting of insects.
Women4theLand YouTube Channel - Women4theLand provides information, networking, education and resources to women landowners and farmers.
GRO Big Red Virtual Learning
Visit communityenvironment.unl.edu/grobigred for more information
The GRO Big Red team provides educational resources for gardeners. Learn about edible plants, houseplants, landscapes, trees and insects!
Archived Events
Nebraska Bumble Bee Atlas
Visit https://www.nebraskabumblebeeatlas.org/train-online.html to access their training. It focuses on bumble bees, but also covers beneficial plantings and how bumble bees pollinate.
Earth Matters Winter 2021/2022 Webinar Series (3 videos)
YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFi69zW4uiijQk-AiosO-wkkEyIUP7aQQ
The Dutchess Land Conservancy Winter 2021/2022 webinar series has a little bit of everything, from discussions on declining biodiversity to how you can help support bird populations in your own backyard to how to control invasive plant species.
The Challenges Birds Face and How Our Yards Can Help, hosted by Becca Rodomsky-Bish
YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f4jqSEwKt3M
Birds are in decline and native habitat is part of the solution in restoring their populations. Individual property owners and communities must take active steps to strategically choose plants and management methods that help support resident and migrating birds. These simple actions can go a long way to helping to revive our declining bird populations around North America. For this talk we'll be focusing on plants and native habitats in the northeastern United States.
Pollinator Blooms for All Seasons: GROBigRed Virtual Learning
YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQrdGPx8haM
Extension Experts Mary Jane Frogge and Kelly Feehan discuss flowers for your landscape that will feed pollinators spring, summer, and fall.