Wildflower Week June 3-12 — Wild Places, Wildflowers

To celebrate Nebraska’s wildflowers, nature organizations across the state host wildflower-related events for the whole family in early June of every year: tours, presentations, prairie runs, etc. Updated events, as well as wildflower publications, posters and other resources can be found online at plantnebraska.org/wildflower-week.

What is it about wildflowers that appeals so strongly to our imaginations? Maybe the surprise of coming upon something fragile-looking in the toughest of places, blooming regardless of whether they are seen or not. Their flowers and seeds feed birds, butterflies and other pollinators and wildlife; their roots loosen and improve soil; they thrive without care in places other plants could never survive; and they lend fragrance and beauty to wild places all across the state, making us want to take a closer look at places we might otherwise ignore.

Importantly, “Where wildflowers are found thriving, it is a sign that the environment is healthy,” says Bob Henrickson, whose nursery production work with the Nebraska Statewide Arboretum concentrates on native and regional plants.

While 2022 events are still somewhat limited in number, wildflowers may best be celebrated without fanfare by planting native plants in your own yard and by visiting wild places nearby in the form of parks, trails, forests for a closer look at the natural beauty surrounding us.

Karma Larsen
Nebraska Forest Service & Nebraska Statewide Arboretum


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