President’s Message BY BRIAN MUNK


Hello everyone, I hope this newsletter finds you, your family and any employees you may have, all safe and well. While COVID 19 has thrown us all a curve ball, I am confident that our industry is more than capable of adapting and making changes as needed. In time, we will all develop and settle into a ‘new normal’ that works best for each of us.

While the timeline through this summer and fall remains a little uncertain, your NNLA Board is monitoring the situation and working with state officials to determine a safe course of action regarding the hosting of our Summer Field Day. We are awaiting further guidance before confirming a date and making contingency plans in the event we are not allowed to host our Summer Field Day as we normally have in the past.

On a brighter side, as I’ve visited local nurseries this spring, it seems that there are a lot of people getting out and doing a lot of gardening and landscaping this spring. I certainly hope that everyone is having as great a start to the season that is possible. Please note that if you are having difficulty finding sources to help in working with COVID 19, the NNLA website has up to date information for you use.


Ralstonia Wilt in Geraniums


NNLA Welcomes Four New Nebraska Certified Nurserymen