President’s Message

Good day to all,

I hope you had a wonderful holiday season and have had a chance to unwind and relax a bit from a long season.  It sounds to me like everyone had a good year and it looks to be a good spring.  Hoping for good weather and a strong business season.  In my travels and visits it sure seems to be looking good, and even with the challenges we face there is much optimism moving forward.

Thanks to everyone who participated in our Nebraska Winter Conference.  The staff and board did a great job and the venue was tremendous.  The speakers were very good, and attendance was more that we could have hoped for.  The combination of speakers, sponsors, and a fantastic location made for a super day and a half.  It sure didn’t hurt that we were all ready to see each other again after a year apart.  I saw some new faces and some old friends and it was very gratifying to see the turnout.  A lot of work was put in to make it possible, and you made the conference one of the better ones in some time, and set the bar very high for next year.  We have secured Innovation Campus in Lincoln again for next year. The support from our vendors and your attendance seemed to make that an obvious choice. 

The board relishes your input and ideas for the next conference, please consider being a part of the committee that works on setting up the show.  Give us a call or drop an email.  New ideas are appreciated and valued.  Thank you for taking the time to fill out the survey and giving us your opinions, on paper or in person.  Help encourage others to join the association and come to the events.  We are also working on in person field days so make sure to check your emails from NNLA.

The coming year will have its challenges in the supply chain and shipping.   Have a good break and recharge but stay in front of your planning for what looks to be a good 2022 season.  Delays in getting material are a reality.  Teach your staff and customers to value the services we provide.  Hopefully we get past this current round of the pandemic and can work towards a new normal. 




Statewide Planting Efforts Recognized by Arboretum


Spotted Lanternfly Update