Outdoor Discovery Days

Outreach and education on plants pest issues is an important component of the work of the Nebraska Department of Agriculture (NDA) Entomology Program.  While the majority of that effort is focused on educating industry, we also work to inform the public about plant pests that could negatively impact Nebraska agriculture and the environment.   For example, in April and May each year, Entomology staff participate in the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission’s Outdoor Discovery Days. Elementary students from across the state attend hands-on outdoor learning opportunities each spring, held at several state park locations across the state. Students learn new outdoor skills and increase their knowledge of wildlife and the outdoors.

This spring, youth attending Outdoor Discovery Days at Fort Kearney and Platte River State Parks had the opportunity to learn about exotic and invasive insects that threaten Nebraska’s trees. NDA staff taught students about invasive insects including spotted lanternfly, emerald ash borer (EAB) and Asian longhorned beetle. Activities help students better understand the biology and identification of these pests, preferred hosts, signs and symptoms of infestation, and how to prevent pests from becoming introduced and established in Nebraska. 

Outreach is a vital part of NDA’s work to protect the state from the introduction and establishment of invasive species. Teaching the industry and citizens about invasive species increases the number of eyes looking for these pests. As more people across the state know what to look for and how to report possible invasive species sightings, the potential increases that an infestation can be found early when eradication is most likely to be successful. 


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