NNLA Annual Meeting Recap

The Nebraska Nursery and Landscape Association held their annual membership meeting on December 17, 2020 via Zoom. Fifty members participated.

Brian Munk, President, called the meeting to order at 3:10 p.m. and introduced the 2020 Board of Directors. He also recognized and thanked the past presidents for their service.

President Munk provided a year in review for the association including activities, sponsorships, advertising, Field Day, and workshops.

Collin Eaton, the 2020 scholarship awardee provided an update on how he used the scholarship monies and his career goals. Collin plans to graduate in December of 2021.

President Munk then presented awards to Jason Kuehl for the Distinguished NCN Professional award and Sean Mulhall for the NCN Hall of Fame award. Julie Van Meter provided an update from the Nebraska Department of Agriculture.

Lee Olson provided an updated from the Nebraska Certified Nurseryman (NCN) committee. Lee congratulated Rebekah McGill, Jason Orth, Sheila Schrader, and Eudora Weller as they passed the exam in February 2020. Plaques were presented prior to the meeting. Lee shared the NNLA Board has renamed the Nebraska Certified Nurseryman program to the Certified Nursey and Landscape Professional program effective January 1, 2021. The Board felt this is more inclusive and more descriptive of the program. Lee states the online store would be available again early next year and the apparel will feature the new logo.

Board of Director elections were held electronically prior to the annual meeting. Two director terms have expired, and the Vice President position is open. Sheila Schrader and Dawn Dawes were nominated for the Director positions and Brett Schroer for the Vice President position. A ballot was emailed to all Active and Associate members five times during the election period of December 1 through December 15 asking them to submit their vote. Twenty-five ballots were received back. Twenty-four votes were cast in favor of Sheila Schrader and Dawne Dawes for the NNLA Board of Directors and one person abstained from voting. Twenty-four votes were cast in favor of Brett Schroer for Vice President with one write-in candidate submitted. Munk welcomed the new Board members and thanked Kendra Bretschneider for serving on the Board.

With the completion of the election, President Munk passed the gavel to 2021-2022 Board President, Jason Kuehl to preside. President Kuehl thanked Brian for his service as Board President.




NNLA Presents Awards at Annual Meeting