On November 7th over 100 attendees gathered for the 2019 NNLA Winter Conference. The event took place at the DC Centre in Omaha, Nebraska.
The conference featured four sessions with two concurrent sessions running during each timeframe. One track highlighted a business topic and the other a more industry-specific topic. Business sessions included: generational differences, automowers, culture change, and building your brand. The other track included sessions on: climate change, invasive plant issues and prevention, and year-round tree identification. A networking reception was held at the end of the day to cap off the conference.
The generosity of our sponsors is greatly appreciated. Thank these sponsoring businesses next time you see them. A full list of sponsors is highlighted in this section.
The exhibit hall was filled with nineteen exhibitors showcasing tools, ideas and products applicable to everyday work life. Check out the full list of exhibitors highlighted in this section.
A raffle was held to benefit the NNLA scholarship fund. Attendees had the opportunity to purchase raffle tickets for items including a pie, cheesecake, wine, succulent planter, 3D mouse, and other items. A special thanks to those who donated items for the auction; including, Arborjet, Bluebird Nursery, Classic Viburnums, Doug Dierks, Jennifer Eurek and Marti Neely.
The NNLA Annual Meeting was held during lunch. President Brian Munk provided a year-in-review report of the NNLA activities and Treasurer Brett Schroer provided a financial report. Directors elected to the Board were Lee Olson of Landscapes INK and Aaron Oltmans of Plains Tree Farm, Inc. Sheila Schrader of Lincoln Landscaping Company was elected to fulfill the remaining term of Jeremy Vlcek. President Munk presented Marti Neely with a plaque to commemorate her presidential term since she was unable to attend the meeting last year. Todd Faller was recognized for being nominated for the Western Outstanding State Leader award by the NNLA Board of Directors. He will be presented this award at the Western Conference in January. Julie Van Meter, Program Manager and State Entomologist with the Nebraska Department of Agriculture gave a report. The meeting ended with President Munk asking for input regarding the format of the annual conference.
Thank you to all those who helped make this conference successful.