NDA Entomology Staff Updates


NDA is excited to have two new Entomology Inspectors join the staff recently.

Daniel Kinley is a Nebraska native and recent UNL graduate, majoring in Ag Business and Agronomy. Dan brings experience working in lawn care/landscape maintenance, and a strong background in traditional agriculture. He joined our team in January and covers the panhandle and southwest Nebraska.

Erin Biggs came to Nebraska from Michigan, and has degrees in Biology/Natural Resource Management and Entomology. Her work experience includes pest control and invasive species survey and control. Erin began her work with NDA in early May and will work in the central part of the state.

Amber Weyers, who previously covered the central territory, has shifted east, taking over the southeast Nebraska territory. This territory was previously held by Libby Smith, who accepted a Program Specialist position with the NDA Pesticide Program. While we were sorry to see Libby leave the Entomology team, we are glad to keep her at NDA.

Territories have also shifted to better balance out workloads and improve service to all ag industries. So if you see new faces during your inspections, please take a couple of minutes to get to know your new inspectors.


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