National Garden Bureau announces five plant classes for the 2021 “Year of the” Program

The National Garden Bureau has announced the five plant classes that will be featured in the 2021 “Year of the” program. • For the bulb crop, 2021 will be the Year of the Hyacinth. • For annuals, 2021 will be the Year of the Sunflower. • For edibles, 2021 will be the Year of the Garden Bean. • For perennials, 2021 will be the Year of the Monarda. • For flowering shrubs, 2021 will be the Year of the Hardy Hibiscus. The “Year of the” program chooses crops specifically for the North American market that are easy to grow, genetically diverse, and with a lot of new breeding to showcase. Breeders, brokers, seed companies, growers and garden centers throughout the U.S. and Canada are urged to highlight these flowers and plants when planning their marketing for the 2021 season as the publicity generated from this program is substantial. How popular is this program? The five “Year of” pages on the NGB website are consistently in the top 10 visited pages by thousands of site visitors every month. Nursey Management - Posted by Julianne Mobilian -


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