Hanna Pinneo selected for Nebraska Statewide Arboretum Executive Director

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Pinneo has been serving as interim director for more than a year and already has led the organization through some difficult transitions, said NSA Board President Leah Meyer. She navigated transition of the 2021 Spring Affair from an in-person event with thousands of participants to safe and successful outreach as an online event. And Pinneo’s vision of private home landscapes supporting broader environmental goals through a new “My Garden” affiliation has drawn a lot of interest and applicants since its inception just a few weeks ago.


The grassroots nonprofit oversees a wide variety of programs, from community greenscape projects to native plant sales, pollinator grants to water conservation, “so the learning curve is a steep one, but Pinneo is already familiar and enthusiastic toward all these efforts,” said Meyer. Prior to being interim director, Pinneo was the conservation education coordinator for Nebraska Forest Service, “a background that lends itself well to her work here.”


Trees and Drought


Plant Native: Narrowleaf Mountain Mint