Election of NNLA Board of Directors

The NNLA Board of Directors has accepted nominations for two open Director positions and the position of Vice President for the term of January 2021 to 2023. Brett Schroer has been nominated for the position of Vice President and Dawn Dawes and Sheila Schrader have been nominated for Director positions. Electronic ballots will be emailed to the membership beginning December 1, with the election closing on December 15. The two Director and Vice President positions will then be ratified at the Annual Meeting to be held virtually on December 17 in conjunction with the NNLA Winter Conference. Jason Kuehl will succeed to President at the closing of the Annual Meeting and Brian Munk will move to Past President.


Greener Towns Efforts Statewide in 2020


Nebraska Nursery and Landscape Association 2020 Virtual Winter Conference and Annual Meeting