2021 Nursery Stock Distributor License Renewals

It is time to renew nursery licenses for 2021. Renewal postcards will be mailed out to all current Nursery Stock Distributor licensees at the end of November 2020, which will provide information for renewing online; no additional renewal information will be mailed out. If you do not receive your renewal postcard by December 10, or if you have questions/problems with the online renewal process, please contact NDA at agr.plant@nebraksa. gov.

There will be a fee change for 2021 licenses, with the fees reduced to $83 for any location up to one acre, and $3.61 for each additional acre.

Any person who distributes perennial or woody nursery stock (basically winter hardy nursery stock) is required by law to obtain a Nebraska Nursery Stock Distributor license. This includes landscape installation companies, tree spade operators, temporary greenhouses, wholesale firms and growing facilities. The license is valid for one distribution location. More information on nursery license requirements can be found on NDA’s website at https://nda.nebraska.gov/plant/entomology/nursery/index.html.


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